Monday, July 21, 2008

Mmm, puffed rice.

I know I promised more details about yesterday's YouTube incident but I'm not feeling up to it and, at least for now, am not bothering.

Anyway, today marks the start of the "I'm dieting but if something really delicious comes along, I'm eating it" diet. The name of the diet should suggest to you why I never do well with diets. I'm Italian, I don't pass up food. It's in my blood. So, if you see me in a couple of weeks and I look exactly the same, it's probably because I quit dieting right away. Like I said to Kenya, I wish I could lose weight by accident. You know, come down with a horrible stomach bug, lose like 30 lbs. and then bounce back to health. Wishful thinking, I know.


KR said...

i can't believe people thought it would alright to say those things...I feel sad for them. I can't even say I hate them, I just genuinely feel sad for them and their fucked up views.
On a lighter note, here's some nifty diet tips:
1. Make lunch your largest meal of the day. You'll have more hours left to burn calories unlike dinner, which leaves food sitting in your stomach that turns to fat overnight.
2. Cut back on meat and up your fruit/veggie intake. 3 meat dishes a week should be your maximum.
3. Stop drinking soda. If it's the caffeine that you're hooked on, switch to green tea. It has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.
4. Exercise yo' ass off. But make it fun and cardio-oriented. And do it with friends!!!

lovenewportri said...

get one of those exercise balls. my personal trainer is an avid user of them, and they are KILLER for your legs, abs, and whatever else you want to work!!

up your h2o intake...


and call/text/email me if you need encouragement!!

i can now do bicep curls with 10 lb weights!!! I started off with 3!!! :)