Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Vote is in YOUR Hands

Three political posts in one day? I know, I know. But I did this photo for my 365 challenge and could not help but share it. So here it is. And below that, my blog about it.

5 Reasons why I will not vote for John McCain in November.

(And why you shouldn’t either.)

1.) He is anti-choice.
Senator McCain has stated that he wishes to overturn Roe v. Wade, making abortion illegal. He has also voted in favor of shutting down federal family-planning programs.

2.) He does not support the equal pay act.
McCain has said that he opposes the equal pay act for women. Why? Because it “opens us up to lawsuits for all kinds of problems.”

3.) He opposes same-sex marriage

And actually, most LGBT rights in general. He voted yes to a prohibition on same-sex marriage, believing that marriage should only exist between a man and a woman. Also, he voted no to expanding the definition of hate crimes to include sexual orientation. Funny, because I’m pretty sure that a lot of people have been harassed, beaten, and killed because of their sexual orientation. Sakia Gunn, Lawrence King, and Matthew Shepherd, to name a few.

4.) He won’t end this war.
He stated that the war in Iraq is worth the price in blood and treasure. And that he is okay with having American troops stationed there for a hundred years.

5.) He endorses abstinence-only sex education.
Sen. McCain voted yes to federally funded sex education in the school systems, leaving millions of children misinformed and uneducated about STDs, contraceptives, and sexual identity.

The vote and future of our country is in your hands this November. Do the right thing.

Oh, and I have more than five reasons but I ran out of fingers on that hand. ;) Oh and double Oh, for those who do not know where they stand for election '08, I find On the Issues to be a good website that lists everything straightforward for you. It breaks up the candidates viewpoints, telling you where they stand and how they voted in the past. Check it out. There's nothing worse than an uneducated vote. Or a thrown one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kristin :: I "discovered" you & your blog through searching "VOTE" on Flickr... up came your 5 reasons not to vote for McCain image.

I read through all of the comments, including those saying (strangely) that those are reasons that they would vote for McCain.

I wanted to give you my compliments on how intelligently, calmly & eloquently you responded to each of those who commented in support of McCain. I'm definitely someone whose beliefs and viewpoints seem to be strongly aligned with your own and it makes me feel very reassured to see a "young person" (I put that in quotes b/c I'm only 30 ;) - but someone who is a part of the newest generation of change-makers really having a great outlook on things - and expressing those views so positively and constructively.

Please keep doing what you're doing. People like me really appreciate it (as well as people who don't even understand how much good Obama and his administration will do for the country & the world)...
